Logo Registration

Logo Registration pic

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A logo is an organization’s Intellectual Property (IP), and it should be designed with a specific aim in mind to increase brand awareness among potential purchasers. A logo might be a word, an expression, or any picture that is designed to communicate to the entire organization. When it comes to legally maintaining company services, logo registration is quite important. There are certain logo registration procedures defined by the trademark registration legislation to include all upcoming company ventures. A firm gets its name and acclaim from its exceptional logo and trademark; thus, it is unavoidable for every business visionary to look over a remarkable logo and after that register for registration to secure the notoriety of the business association.


Step1: Logo search:

The first step is to conduct a logo search to determine the originality of the logo. Before registering or utilizing a logo, it is necessary to do a logo search. Without a thorough search, you risk being sued for trademark infringement or having your trademark application rejected.

Step 2: Apply for an application:

You can file a logo registration application after receiving a favorable search report. After receiving the acknowledgment, you may use the TM mark in conjunction with the applied logo. An application for logo registration can be filed via an e-filing system, and the acknowledgment and government fee receipt is created immediately after the submission.

Step3: Assessment

It refers to the registration office’s issuing of the examination report. After reviewing the application, the registrar will provide the examination report based on the receipt of the logo registration application. The examination ensures that the application conforms with the legal criteria and that it is not in conflict with previously registered logos or subject to an earlier pending application.

Step 4: Getting your trademark published in a journal:

If the registrar determines that the logo mark is unique, he will have it published in the trademark journal. After the application has been published, anybody can object within 90 days of the date of publication, with the term for the opponent being extended up to 120 days. If the opposition is denied, the logo will continue to registration acceptance.

Step 5: Obtain a certificate of registration for your logo:

If the registrar accepts the application, he will provide the applicant a certificate of registration with the trademark registry’s seal. We are one of the top logo registration consultants in Coimbatore, providing clients with dependable and effective business services. Throughout the registration procedure, the clients will receive the finest available help at a reasonable rate.

Why should you choose Corproots?

  • Free consultation on the process of registration of logo.
  • Drafting of the application.
  • Filing of the logo registration application by registered and experienced consultants.
  • Payment of government charges.


Hope you loved reading this article. At PickMyCompany, we continuously endeavor to strengthen Indian businesses. With us, you can register the company you like, get trade licenses of any authorities, make GST registration, trademark registration, manage expenditures, and even file GST returns.  CORPROOTS will assist with any form of your company formation by providing expert suggestions, concepts, and expertise.